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The sky people have sent us a message.人類給我們帶來了消息 That they can take whatever they want.他們可以爲所欲爲

And no one can stop them.而且沒人能阻止

But we will send them a message.但是我們也要給他們送去消息

You ride out as fast as the wind can carry you.你們要像疾風一樣出發 We tell the other clans to come.告訴其他部落

You tell that Turok Makto calls to them.就說魅影騎士召喚他們 You fly now!現在就出發

With me!和我一起

My brothers, 兄弟們


And we will show the sky people.我們要讓他們知道

That they can not take whatever they want!他們並不能爲所欲爲 And that this, this is our land! 因爲,這裏是——是我們的土地!