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SINAN Modern Age Season - Creation of Nostalgia




在時尚界紛紛用復古潮流詮釋思鄉情懷,文化復興成爲社會話題的今天,“摩登思南復古季 SINAN Modern Age Season: Creation of Nostalgia”,將於2016年12月的第一個週末以“摩登年代俱樂部”形式在上海思南公館(Shanghai Sinan Mansions)開場:曾經的法式新古典主義花園住宅FX505號洋房,化身爲“摩登年代俱樂部Modern Age Club 1920s-1950s”,重磅重啓上海20-50年代的聲色光影;隨後12月9日開幕的展覽“小芳廷復古遊樂園 Nostalgia Paradise by La Petite Fontaine”以及2017年1月12日開幕的“百年摩登的密語Vintage or Modern - Historical Lingerie Exhibition”爲“摩登時代”的思考更添豐富觀感和社會學意義。整個“摩登思南復古季”將持續到明年3月25日,期間有音樂劇快閃,電影沙龍,“思南讀書會-摩登思南系列專題文化講座”,“思南紀實空間”以及豐富的文化活動。

People use the terms “Nostalgia” to yearn for the past. The Cultural Renaissance nowadays has become a prevalent topic. “SINAN Modern Age Season: Creation of Nostalgia” will be coming up at the beginning of December, in the form. of “The Modern Age Club-1920s-1950s”: the former neoclassical style. of French Villas FX505. The Modern Age Club aims to restart the primetime of Shanghai City between 1920s-1950s;The opening exhibition “Nostalgia Paradise by La Petite Fontaine” will be set on the 9th of December and soon after on 12th of January 2017, “Vintage or Modern – Historical Lingerie Exhibition will be coming up next. Both exhibition’s ideas are tend to enrich the meanings of “Modern Age Season” in impression and sociology. The overall event of “SINAN Modern Age Season: Creation of Nostalgia” will be lasted until 2017.03.25, alongside with various cultural campaigns such as music dramas, musical flash, movie salons, themes regarding the “Sinan Literary Salon” and “DocuSinan” etc.

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In the early twentieth century after the First World War, the evolution of modernization in the West had been further accelerated both spiritually and realistically; Shanghai in the modern times were experiencing the civilized merging point between the East and West, which had opened a beautiful page for Shanghai city, as well as Sinan Mansions in the early days. Many of the famous persons were living in Sinan’s buildings, the litterateur “Zeng Pu” at the late Qing Dynasty once described: “Here is a strange and exotic place”, as well as Mr. Oufan Lee described in the book of “Shanghai Modern”.


Shanghai's self-identity is established in the process of globalization, urban culture is not only the history of Shanghai, but also is the form. of today’s Shanghai. The intention of “Sinan Modern Age Season: Creation of Nostalgia” is to inspire people’s recognition of themselves and the history — some people say that Nostalgia is kind of an illusion of fashion, but future is full of imagination, let’s join us in Sinan Mansions to feel from an extraordinary experience!

Part I 摩登思南 摩登年代俱樂部

Modern Age Club - 1920s-1950s


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始於二十世紀20-30年代的思南公館,將重現一個現實中並不存在的“摩登年代俱樂部Modern Age Club 1920s-1950s”,俱樂部內聚集了:花花世界迷你百貨公司,古董寶麗來照相工作室,仿若百年前的復古理髮館造型屋,回溯二三十年代“禁酒令”時期的地下酒吧,包含匠人之心代表百年前高超技藝,存世量稀有且珍貴的古董遊藝機,上海著名 “小小花園”系列咖啡館打造的古董咖啡館,復古女王精心策劃的爵士樂搖擺舞舞會,Lolo Love Vintage古董成衣展示,世界級舞蹈老師的復古舞蹈課,結合講解和表演的系列文化沙龍等等年代感娛樂項目,帶領來者乘入時光機,在咖啡香和爵士樂的氛圍中體驗上世紀最摩登的玩樂。

Sinan Mansions will be returning to an unrealistic period of “Modern Age Club between 1920s-1950s”,within the club, it gathers: “Antique Store of superb collection” ; “Antique Polaroid Camera Studio” and “I MUSE barber shop”. It will also bring you back to the underground bar in “Prohibition” period; it also include an antique Cafe made by the most famous antique collector “Le Petit Jardin” in Shanghai; a well-planned Swing Jazz by Antique Queen; an lingerie exhibition of Lolo Love Vintage; and an antique dancing class by world-class dancing master, those events will show you the old-days with commentary, and lead you ride on the time-machine to feel the most modern fun.

進門,是隻有在老電影中才能覓得身影的old-fashioned接待櫃檯和消費券換領處,在領子雪白筆挺的服務生的微笑致意中,一腳踏入時光的幻境;迎面就是“小芳廷遊藝廳”, 世界存量稀有、珍貴的古董美式遊藝機,將帶領人們開啓俱樂部的尋夢之旅。

Step through the door, there will be an old-fashioned reception counter and coupon exchanged office that can only be seen at movies, and the staffs will send you to the wonderland; then the “Nostalgia Paradise by La Petite Fontaine” will be in front of you, it will going to show you the world’s rare and precious antique American gaming machine and lead you to the “dream”.

白天,一樓“花花世界百貨公司”的古董收銀臺叮咚作響,復古衣着、古董飾品和物件分門別類各設專櫃;I MUSE復古造型屋內,油頭梳得分明的山羊鬍子造型師手中似有魔力,坐在那把三十年代的舊椅子上,鏡中的人兒看着自己一年一年往回走,再擡頭,復古妝容與古董服裝已經上身;來到紙月亮照相館,待絕版寶麗來一次成像老照相機留下彼時的妝容此時的心情;閃身進入一邊的舞蹈教室,或與北京專程而來的搖擺舞老師學習Swing舞步,或跟世界級探戈老師舞出熱烈與奔放,亦或隨法國舞娘學習醉人的復古性感表演。

In the daytime, the antique cashier desk tinkles, with several antique styles of clothing and jewelry that categorized into counters; In “I MUSE Barber Shop”, you will be sat on the chair from 1930s, stare at yourself from the mirror and imagine that you are turning back year by year, and once look up again, you are already dressed up and make-up in antique style; then come to the Polaroid Camera Studio to take some pictures; After that, the dancing lectures of Swing, Tango and Vintage are ready to be learned from the teachers from Beijing and French.

二樓,Modern Age文化沙龍圍繞爵士樂、舞蹈、服飾文化等展開不同主題的講座;還可預約“穿梭時光電影文化沙龍”及“思南讀書會--摩登思南系列專題文化講座”,與特邀而來的嘉賓講師們一道從電影、文學與哲學思考中感受昔日社會風情與時代景象,重溫經典之作。

On the second floor, the cultural salon will be surrounded by lectures in difference themes such as Jazz music, dancing and historical clothing etc. The cultural lectures of “Sinan Literary Salon” and “DocuSinan” are also available to be reserved, as a guest, you will be able to enjoy the films, literature and philosophy in meanings with invited lecturers, to feel the social customs and review the classic.

來到三樓,在“小小花園古董咖啡館”尋一個安靜角落,休息片刻,在舊日時光中慢慢喝一杯咖啡。夜色已然悄悄地降臨,一樓的Bee's Keens Ballroom舞廳內,法國RendezVous樂隊薩克斯悠悠地響起,主唱Helene Meunier的歌聲把人們帶回Edith Piaf, Charles Trenet, Django Reinhart, Josephine Baker等等音樂藝術家的時代;快快攜着妝扮好的舞伴下樓,舞會馬上要正式開始了,隨着爵士樂和搖擺舞,鮮活的是記憶,美好的是當下。舞會的間歇,跑出舞廳到後面的禁酒令酒吧對一句進門暗語,“偷飲”一杯,方得這一晚的歸去來兮之遊樂真諦。

On the third floor, seeking for a quiet corner in “Antique Cafe of”, rest for a while with cup of coffee. The night comes quietly, the French Rendezvous band will start to sing in the Bee's Keens Ballroom on the first floor, following the song of the lead singer Helene Meunier, he will then bring you back to the ages of Edith Piaf, Charles Trenet, Django Reinhart, Josephine Baker; During the break time of the ball, you can sneak to the front door of the underground bar, whisper the code “secret drink”, then you will never forget about this night.

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Part II 摩登思南 小芳廷復古遊樂園

Nostalgia Paradise by La Petite Fontaine


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摩登思南 小芳廷復古遊樂園

2016年12月9日至2017年1月4日,將推出摩登思南復古季的季度展之一:“小芳廷復古遊樂園”。滬上最知名的趣味古董收藏大家——“小芳廷 La Petite Fontaine”帶來近三十臺飽含匠人之心,代表百年前高超技藝,存世量稀有的古董遊藝機,獨家打造滬上首個古董遊樂園。

“Nostalgia Paradise by La Petite Fontaine”will be launched as part of the “SINAN Modern Age Season - Creation of Nostalgia” (2016.12.09-2017.01.04) . One of the most famous antique collectors in Shanghai “La Petite Fontaine” will going to show us 30 rare antique game machines which represented the high-tech back to hundred years ago, and it will be the first “Antique amusement park” in Shanghai city.


Because of people's desire for spiritual and recreational life, the coin-operated gaming machine has been gradually improved since the early 20s. Before the advent of electronic technology, coin-operated gaming machines are mostly limited by the well-known craftsmen, because of the complexity of its mechanical principles, even for today, it is still very hard to imitate; Through these, we can have a glimpse of people from these age of how they yearned for a better life and the spirit in pursuing arts.


During the exhibition, people in the Sinan Mansions will be able to see Cretors’ popcorn machine 1910s, it was once in used in California Disneyland, until now, it is still working; there are also two vintage cars from France and America that will be able to take you through the south avenue; and a huge hand-painted Carrousel come cross the sea from Italy’s carpenter family.

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Part III 摩登思南 百年摩登的密語

Vintage or Modern –Historical Lingerie Exhibition


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摩登思南 百年摩登的密語

017年1月12日至3月25日,摩登思南復古季大展“百年摩登的密語Historical Lingerie Exhibition”是中國首度引入的內衣服飾專業特展。女性私密的內衣,敘述了一部生動的社會歷史發展史,一段鮮活的時尚藝術文化史,也映射出現當代女性的觀念變革的來路歷程。

“Vintage or Modern –Historical Lingerie Exhibition” (2017.01.12-2017.03.25), it is going to be the first professional lingerie exhibition introduced in China. Female’s lingerie, it reviews a dramatic development of history, a history of art and history of culture, it also reflect the revolution of female’s perspectives.

展覽得到擁有廣義內衣精美收藏的法國內衣博物館Nuits de Satin Paris的支持,該私立博物館擁有世界上最豐富的有關內衣裙衫、緊身衣、胸衣、吊襪帶等珍貴館藏:包括5000餘件作品和數百份圖片檔案、廣告、雜誌、海報,覆蓋了從十八世紀至今兩百多年的內衣發展史,承載了豐富的歷史內涵。

The exhibition is supported by the Nuits de Satin Paris, the world's finest lingerie museum where holds the world's richest collection of lingerie skirts, tights, corsets and garters: including more than 5000 master-pieces and hundreds of files, advertising, magazines and posters which covers the histories of female’s lingerie since eighteenth century.

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此次展覽精選兩個多世紀以來的一百餘件臻品館藏,包括緊身胸衣、吊襪帶等,與相關的海報、資料和視頻相結合展出,其中更包含部分法國知名品牌如Dior的珍貴收藏。展覽將以不同歷史時期內衣的風格和社會文化背景爲主線,人們可以看到並瞭解到:幾個世紀以來彰顯女性完美曲線身材不可或缺的裙撐和緊身胸衣的盛衰;1950-1970年代美國Babydoll風格在歐洲產生的影響; 20世紀40年代起新材料例如尼龍的運用等。1968年法國的女權運動給予內衣以新意,一些女性甚至當衆燒燬內衣作爲對父權體制的抵抗;女權運動意義深遠,但也滯緩了女性內衣的發展,直到在當代內衣教母Chantal Thomass的倡導下,女性對內衣有了時裝化和個體愉悅的審美需求……如今看上去的古舊,恐怕正是當時時尚的流行--而經典,就在一輪輪時光的洗禮中,大浪淘沙地被保留下來。

The exhibition held in Sinan Mansions featured more than 100 pieces of collections, including bras, girdle, etc., combined with relevant posters, materials and videos, it also include some of the finest collections from Dior. The exhibition will be shown in the form. of different historical periods and backgrounds, it shows the propersity and decline period of pannier and corselet that highlights females perfect curve; from 1950s-1970s, the impacts caused by Babydoll style. in Europe; and the use of new materials in 1920s-1940s such as nylon etc. In 1968, the Feminist movement in France had brought up some new ideas referring to lingeries, some females even burned their lingerie up in public as a resistance to the patriarchal system; it is meanfulful, but also was a slowdown for devlopment, until Chantal Thomass (the lingerie godmother) shows,it changed females attitude and fashional standard toward lingerie.

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Perhaps for every centuries, people are always dreaming about another century, Svetlana Boym defined Nostalgia as: “a desire to go back to a place that does not or never existed”.

SINAN Modern Age Season - Creation of Nostalgia, is not just simply yearn for the past, it is about the attitude and courage for pursuiting a better life.
